‘Behind every successful man, there is a woman’, goes the age old adage.
Purple for International Women's Day
‘Behind every successful man, there is a woman’, goes the age old adage.
Born in the Blue’s
“Blue is the beautiful tropical mess that I call home.”
A Dark Misconception by Alistair
‘People do picture black as negativity, sorrow, darkness and malevolence. ‘
I See Trees are Green
“For as long as I can see that trees are green, I feel like there is still hope left.”
The Rule of Red
“When I was younger, the world was a fascinating place. Many would think that a young child is unable to comprehend the environment around them. “
“Why? All because no one paid a little more attention to her or lend her a pair of ears to listen to her. The death of a cheerful girl was the sacrifice needed to send society this message of plea.”
A trip to the 90’s in a page
Horrors Of Our Time
Be afraid, be very afraid.
It’s that time of the year again when the monsters are welcome and scares become an enjoyment. It’s Halloween time! Although considered a Western celebration, that doesn’t mean we in the East can get in on all the fun that comes with Halloween! So, to get into the spirit of things, here a few movies you could watch during the season of horrors and scare the wits out of yourself!
Ghosts: Are they real?
Ghosts; this word alone would create a heated debate, and spark up interesting conversations about stories that has been passed down from different people about these so-called “ghosts”. Now the big question is: do they really exist or not?