Echo Film Fest 2023

Lights, camera, action!

Step back in time and experience the cinematic brilliance of Echo Film Fest all over again!

About the Event

What is Echo Film Fest?

Echo Film Fest is a student short film competition hosted by Sunway Echo Media and Sunway Echo Media’s flagship event for the year of 2023, that ran from April to July 2023. 


The main objective of  this event was to promote Echo Media as a student leadership body and foster creativity within the student community, as well as providing a platform for aspiring Malaysian student filmmakers to showcase their talents to a wider audience.

Our Top 5 Winners!

Our Audience

Behind The Scenes: Echo Film Fest

Curious to know what happened behind the scenes of Echo Film Fest?

Check out our article and YouTube video for a little throwback!

What did others think about it?

Click the button below for etc. Magazine’s take on Echo Film Fest!

Interested in the Brands Behind the Screen?

Echo Film Fest Sponsors