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Deadpool 2 Review

Hello there dear reader! Hopefully you read the title of this before clicking on it, but in case you didn’t, this will be a movie review for the R-rated ‘film’, Deadpool 2. We are a family friendly site, so I cannot fully embrace the spirit of this film through the use of crass language. I can, however, embrace the barrier-breaking tone and write this as if I were talking to you, straight on, maintaining a self-aware edge to get inside your head. In other words, yo fourth wall! I’m milking the tar out of you today!

A Letter To The Hidden Ones

Dear you,

We live in a world filled with inventions in this 21st century. An era of modernisation, an era of a new society, a new well-being, a new character built in every single living being residing on this planet. It is an era of new ideas, which started small from new thoughts. Thoughts to create new inventions to support and aid this new era of globalisation. ‘New’: a word that speaks out as different; not just a replacement of something that was lost or broken or thrown away.