Showing: 1 - 9 of 9 RESULTS

Parasite: Poverty & Privilege

Oscar Best Picture Nominee, Parasite, directed by Bong Joon-Ho is an outstanding Korean film that delves into the nuances of the class divide with wit and level-headedness. The story focuses on two families, one filthy rich, one (literally) filthy poor, and how the relationship between these two is akin to a parasite. One leeching off the life force of another. 

Who is the parasite though?

A Nyonya Reunion

An orange sun, a blue sky and cool weather; perfect ingredients for a scrumptious day where I had a truly magnificent experience! On the 15th of January 2020, the Sunway University Chinese Independent School Alumni (CISA) graced us with ‘A Nyonya Reunion’ as part of the Chinese New Year Celebrations. There was a fun fair on the 15th, while the opening ceremony fell on the 16th of January. CISA is an association of all students who went to the Chinese Independent School. They have this club in several schools, in order to keep the connection with each other. The event was kicked off by the honoured guests, Mr Teo Ee Sing, Dr Elizabeth Lee and Prof. Pua Eng Chong. 

College 101: Expectations vs Reality

Ah the new year, how most of us longed for it! To many, the start of the new year (and also a new decade) means new possibilities, resolutions that we won’t follow, and 2020 planners that we’ll forget about in 2 months. However, for many people (particularly those between the ages of 16-22) it also means starting college, and what better way to start off the new year than the dawning realisation that you’re entering a new and unfamiliar world of academia which will leave you in a puddle of your own tears and/or overdue assignments.

Time after Time

There’s something about the ending of a year that sparks a hint of desperation. A coordinated desire to distill joy out of a series of days. A willful attempt meant to reflect back on 365 days of scrambling to pursue the ultimate human endeavor; to live. To live so effervescently that you forget about the act itself. 

Monthly Musings – Endings and Beginnings

To readers old and new, thank you for joining us for a fresh new year of curious content brought to you by bright, young writers from Sunway University and College. Monthly Musings introduces Echo Media’s theme for creative articles each month and poses a question to our team of creative writers. Writers’ answers are compiled and published to get the month’s content rolling. 

As such, 2020’s first month talks about Endings and Beginnings as we enter not just another year of existence but a whole new decade. We’ve come far and while there’s much to celebrate, there is also plenty to leave behind this year — fast fashion, usage of single-use plastics or paper, discrimination, to name a few — and start afresh. 

We asked our writers — 

 “What is the one thing you are letting go/welcoming in 2020?”