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The Importance of Intellectual Disagreements

“In order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive”- Jordan B Peterson. 

Living in a world where anything and everything is deemed offensive and can spark retaliation from the so called “social justice warriors” of Twitter and Instagram, it is hard for most people to express opposing thoughts without being subjected to a virtual walk of shame. It is evident that many people have lost the ability to properly dissect statements or arguments that oppose their views without immediately reacting with slanderous emotions, fueled with attacks, instead of civil discourse. This is incredibly foolish, as wanting to change the mind of others is virtually impossible when you resort to shaming instead of listening and having intellectual dialogue.

Cultivating Spirituality: A Kung Fu Panda Guide

What is Spirituality?

To each and every person, spirituality is a word that could carry many different meanings. Although closely associated and often intertwined, religious belief can be completely separate from spirituality. I believe that at its core, spirituality is centered around an innate peace that stems from yourself – it’s about discovering meaning, finding purpose, and embracing growth. 

Faith in the Time of COVID-19

“Yet it would be your duty to bear it, if you could not avoid it: it is weak and silly to say you cannot bear what it is your fate to be required to bear.”

–  Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

For 7 weeks now, we have been under the Movement Control Order. Some of us are stuck in residences crowded with housemates whom we barely know and managed to avoid for years before this. Some of us are stuck alone without a single soul to judge us as we waltz around the communal area in only a towel. Some of us are at home, either cooking and baking – having the time of our lives; or hiding away from toxic interactions, praying for escape. Some of us are taking the time to learn new things, while some of us are having trouble finding any meaning to waking up in the morning. The situation for every person is unique in its challenges and pleasures.

There is one thing we all have in common, though. We’re all thinking about how things could’ve been. Whether it’s, “this time last year I was…” or “right now I’m supposed to be at…” or “now I will never get to…”,  the grief of our individual lost plans weighs upon us, on top of the concern we have for the COVID-19 victims and frontliners. After all, we’re only human, and it’s not something to be ashamed of.

Self-Growth & Reality TV

Reality TV is often referred to as ‘brain dead’ entertainment by society, ridiculed for it’s ridiculous premises, scripted drama and unnecessary close up shots followed by overplayed sound effects. However, certain shows, despite its superficial surface value, actually have deep underlying messages of self-growth. To keep it interesting, this article won’t delve into the obvious self-improvement based reality shows like “The Amazing Race” or “Survivor”, instead it will focus more on the odd reality TV shows that we might have just watched for laughs

So, here are three unconventional reality TV shows with underlying themes of self-growth!

New year, same problems? If you’re looking for a sign, this is it. Balancing Standards and Expectations

Have you ever watched a Tamil movie? I’m talking about the ones in the romantic comedy genre, the ones you watch just for the sake of watching. If you haven’t, let me, as someone who grew up watching them, paint a picture for you. Usually, there will be this gorgeous girl minding her own business, an educated beauty talking to her friends on her way to college. Then out of nowhere, the most average male that’s supposed to be the hero of this story starts stalking her on his cheap motorcycle. He continues to harass her even though she shows signs of disgust towards him until inevitably, just after a mere 3 hours of realising her existence, he confesses his love for her. She is naturally offended by this confession and is confused as to how she could have possibly attracted such bacteria. Soon, however, after a series of events which usually includes him winning in a fight against 300 men twice his size, she “falls in love” with him too. 

The Breakup Exhibition 2.0

Inspired by the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb, Croatia; Malaysia’s very own Breakup Exhibition returned for its second edition, organised by students from the Department of Psychology in collaboration with Sunway Psychology Club. Breakup Exhibition 2.0 was held at the Level 1 Art Gallery, Sunway University, from Thursday, October 3rd to Saturday, October 5th.