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Freshies Night 2020

Written by: Alex and Nivhya

Edited by: Supriya 

Approaching the 2nd month of the movement control order (MCO) as I look at the ceiling while the ceiling looks back at me, it is without a doubt that the introverts are having a blast during this period. Not forgetting the fun we college and university students have to live without. Rock cafe, black ink, pyramid, lunchbox and not to forget, bubble tea. 

Freshies Night that almost a thousand students were expecting in April has been cancelled due to the pandemic. However, we were lucky enough to interview the organizing team and to spill some tea on things to expect after MCO is over. Freshies night has been an annual event since 2011. It is a night to share the Sunway culture through food, dance, music and all-round fun. The time where social media would be blasting with tweets and hashtags. Well, isn’t that why we are known as the #mosthappeningcampus?