Showing: 91 - 100 of 121 RESULTS

Self-Growth & Reality TV

Reality TV is often referred to as ‘brain dead’ entertainment by society, ridiculed for it’s ridiculous premises, scripted drama and unnecessary close up shots followed by overplayed sound effects. However, certain shows, despite its superficial surface value, actually have deep underlying messages of self-growth. To keep it interesting, this article won’t delve into the obvious self-improvement based reality shows like “The Amazing Race” or “Survivor”, instead it will focus more on the odd reality TV shows that we might have just watched for laughs

So, here are three unconventional reality TV shows with underlying themes of self-growth!

New year, same problems? If you’re looking for a sign, this is it. Balancing Standards and Expectations

Have you ever watched a Tamil movie? I’m talking about the ones in the romantic comedy genre, the ones you watch just for the sake of watching. If you haven’t, let me, as someone who grew up watching them, paint a picture for you. Usually, there will be this gorgeous girl minding her own business, an educated beauty talking to her friends on her way to college. Then out of nowhere, the most average male that’s supposed to be the hero of this story starts stalking her on his cheap motorcycle. He continues to harass her even though she shows signs of disgust towards him until inevitably, just after a mere 3 hours of realising her existence, he confesses his love for her. She is naturally offended by this confession and is confused as to how she could have possibly attracted such bacteria. Soon, however, after a series of events which usually includes him winning in a fight against 300 men twice his size, she “falls in love” with him too. 

Monthly Musings: Self-expression

Prompt: What item do you own that you think best reflects you as a person?



Blushing shells from ocean caverns in Musandam. 

Inky black pebbles from a remote village in the mountains of Khasab. 

Sediments of sunsets from an ocean of pink rock in Sharjah.

Curlicues of white stone from the shores off Brighton.

Shards of earth to call my own, 

when home is far, 

I hold them close. 

-Zafra Usman

Social Hive 2020

On Friday, 13 March 2020, Social Hive’20 organized by Sunway College Council (SCC) was held in the Art Gallery from 5pm till 8.30pm. Social Hive is an annual social event that allows students (especially new intake students) to mingle and socialize while also providing the students a great chance to showcase their amazing talents. The theme of this year’s Social Hive was “2000’s and pastels”. Despite the recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, it was great to see that the outbreak did not dull the Sunway spirits. Speaking on the topic of the Coronavirus disease, one thing worth mentioning was the conscious effort from Sunway College Council (SCC) members regarding the safety of the participating students. Throughout the event, they were constantly reminding the students to keep themselves hygienic at all times. (Go wash your hands if you are reading this!).

Racism: In Light of COVID-19

In less than 3 months, the threat of COVID-19 has led to national lockdowns all over the globe. Being of an extremely viral pneumonic nature coupled with a long asymptomatic incubation period, its exponential spread has had scientists scrambling for a cure. Declared a pandemic by WHO in early March, COVID-19 has become the main topic for economic and political forces to tackle. 

Misconceptions About Fast Food

From a young age, society has been exposed to the concept of fast food and the culture surrounding it. Often, the two main features of fast food that we hone in on is 1) convenience and, 2) cheapness. After all, who wants to cook after a long day of working? Or who wants to bring the family with energetic children into a restaurant and wait half an hour for food to arrive? Between a full meal of fries, burger and drink; or a single plate of one food at the same price – we’re bound to choose the option that offers variety in the meal. 

Today, however, despite the reputation living on, fast food is far from cheap, and sometimes, not very ‘fast’ either. So in this edition of Echo Eats I present to you: “fast food, and alternatives that are faster”. 

Sunway Esports Bondfire Meeting

On the 6th of march, the Sunway Esports Club held their monthly “Bondfire”, a meeting for all gamers of all genres, skill levels, and backgrounds to come together to share their passion for esports. 
Esports events are relatively new with the first-ever event happening only in 1972. With the rapid development of technology and the growth of the internet, the events saw a massive surge in popularity in recent years turning them into a billion-dollar industry with a viewership rivaling that of traditional sports. Esports are no doubt making their mark in our culture and Sunway is no exception. []

Sunway Boardgames Society: What do they do?

With such a wide selection of clubs and societies in Sunway College/University, it can be hard to navigate and decide which club you truly belong in. To make your life easier, Sunway Echo Media’s event write-up team has decided to go to random club meetings to see what they do on a weekly basis and present you with all the information you need to help you make your decision. 

YouTube Channels That Are Fighting Misconceptions

“Hey guys, welcome to my channel! Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe!”

Isn’t that something we hear way too often these days? In a world where Youtube has climbed its way up to being one of the most frequently used social media sites, many have turned to the platform as a means of creating content according to one’s interests with the hope of gaining attention, expressing themselves, or as a means of income through the many (intensely detested) ads that pop up before videos. As Youtube becomes saturated with the ever-growing population of vlog, song cover, lifestyle, makeup, and beauty Youtubers, it gets a little dry with most of the popular content following a certain repetitive theme. But there’s so much more to Youtube!