In the blink of an eye, another impactful year has passed once again. 2023 was a year packed with many amazing memories and experiences for many. At Echo Media, it was no different; from the start of the year, Echo achieved and established a name for itself while staying true to our personal colours and expressions. From Echo Film Fest to hangouts and the introduction of new members and segments, Echo’s year has been decorated with all of these beautiful memories!
As we ring in the new year, we at Echo would like to take a look back before taking 2024 head-on! We took to the most valuable individuals in our community to hear about their thoughts on the year! From the Heads of Department to the Executive Committee, let’s hear about Echo’s 2023 through the eyes of Echo’s most active members!
Creative Writing (HOD: Merissa)
1. What is your most memorable moment from Echo Media this year?
My most memorable moment from Echo Media this year was the CW workshop that was hosted back in November. With the pandemic occurring, many meetings were conducted online, which meant that members didn’t manage to have as many face-to-face interactions with their peers. However, this workshop provided CW members the opportunity to bond with other members and the chance to learn each other’s unique writing style. Though it only lasted for about 1-2 hours, this workshop would be a stepping stone for future events where CW members can hopefully sharpen their writing capabilities. For me, I enjoyed learning from each of our CW members and getting to know them better!
Creative Writing Workshop
2. What is your favourite work from the Creative Writing department in 2023?
There are a vast amount of articles, short stories and poems that caught my eye over the last year! However, if I had to pick, one piece that stood out to me was “The Auction” by Trishta. In her short story, she provides descriptions of various items owned by a mysterious man named Simon Carruthers for sale. Through the descriptions of each item, details are revealed about the life of Simon, with each item’s description becoming more unsettling than the rest. Trishta’s writing style is one of a kind, with her descriptions in the story remaining vague in the beginning, with each piece of her story coming together to form a shocking revelation at the end. I encourage readers to check out this story to find out the ending, it’s definitely worth the read!
3. What work from your department would you wish could have gotten more love in 2023?
“Tetralogy of Fallot” by Natasha is an underrated work produced by the CW department. In this reflective piece, Natasha contemplates the subject of wanting to love others, whilst living with the doubt of loving too much and too little. Here, we see Natasha reflecting on her experiences with loving others to an excessive extent where it consumes her mind, yearning to find a balance where she can love someone in moderation. Natasha’s style of writing allows readers to find someone to relate to and feel less alone. “Tetralogy of Fallot” is a quick and perfect read for those who would like to practise self-awareness.
“Tetralogy of Fallot” by Natasha
4. What do you wish for Echo and the Creative Writing department in 2024?
As we move forward into 2024, my wish for Echo and the CW department would be for our members’ works to be recognized by more students! Here at Echo, each member gives their all when producing their pieces of writing; quality works created with the intention to inspire others and share their knowledge and creativity that has been honed. Most importantly, I hope that Echo continues to be an outlet for creativity as well as a platform for growth and experience in the field of writing for all CW and Echo members 🙂
Media & Journalism (HOD: Ruby)
1. What is your most memorable moment from Echo Media this year?
Getting to attend the book launch event for Singapore’s Former Foreign Affairs Minister and interviewing him. It was a great opportunity and I got to meet so many influential people. The best part of it was experiencing the moment along with my fellow Echo mates! I will never forget how we met YB Syed Saddiq at the event and went crazy trying to get a picture! Funniest part was Ashley, the AHOD of CW losing her mind when he shook her hand and she vowed to never wash it afterwards.
2. What is your favourite work from the Media & Journalism department in 2023?
My personal favourite has to be Taylor Swift’s 1989 (Taylor’s Version) Easter Eggs. I am a massive Swiftie and this article just fed my obsession more. I loved how the writer, Chloe, highlighted the theories with smart word plays and jokes. I read it twice, once when editing and once it was published, and both times I had a huge smile plastered on my face. Anyone that is familiar with Taylor knows her love for easter eggs and I myself am guilty of sleuthing for clues about her next move many times. It was relatable and entertaining and is definitely one of my favourite MJ works ever(more).
“Taylor Swift’s 1989 (Taylor’s Version) Easter Eggs” by Chloe
3. What work from your department would you wish could have gotten more love in 2023?
Rise and Resist: Women’s March Malaysia. I was so proud of us for putting out this article. It was super informative and as a woman myself it felt incredible to be seen and represented. The article embodied the true essence of feminism, the hardships women experience for merely wanting control over their own lives, as well as the fight for equality for all genders, sexualities and identities. It consisted of so many statistics, quotes and facts that presented the roots of these issues so well. I just wish more people had read it cause it wasn’t just an inspiring piece but one that has the potential to change many opposing and negative perspectives.
“Rise and Resist: Women’s March Malaysia” by Priyanka and Chloe
4. What do you wish for Echo and the Media & Journalism department in 2024?
I am super proud of my members and all the care they put into publishing their best crafts. I may be biased but I’d say we are the best department in Echo! I wish that in the upcoming months, we manage to keep up the good work while also releasing more revolutionary pieces, I mean we are after all a voice for students.
Public Relations & Design (HOD: Fatimah)
1. What is your most memorable moment from Echo Media this year?
There were so many things from hangouts to installation! But, the most memorable one by far is the Film Fest, hands down (and that’s not because I was an emcee, ahem). It was stressful from planning to the actual event but was all worth it, especially with the team I had.
2. What is your favourite work from the PR & Design department in 2023?
Putting me on the spot here, haha. I think every designer has their own special design which is my favourite. In general this year, the Film Fest posters and the May designs are some of my favourites. The scrap-book aesthetic and the colour schemes never fail to win me over. But again, all the designs have been amazing and I cannot wait to see what’s in store with our new members in 2024!
3. What work from your department would you wish could have gotten more love in 2023?
Our Twitter Thread! Even though it is the first one, I really do see its potential, especially with Twitter’s (X…) growing popularity. Also, our TikToks, definitely. Our members have been amazing at coming up with ideas to grab everyone’s attention and I hope more people will realise that soon!
4. What do you wish for Echo and the PR & Design department in 2024?
For our goals to be achieved (secret secret) and for all our members to get more love and attention through their work because they always work amazingly hard and give their 110%. Also, I hope we can strive to create more content for TikTok and Twitter, and for more people to notice the department’s skills, whether design or PR.
Video Production (HOD: Ayus)
1. What is your most memorable moment from Echo Media this year?
My favourite moment was the physical hangout with all the members since I have missed the Echo Film Fest before. I got to meet new members from other departments so it was just amazing!
2. What is your favourite work from the Video Production department in 2023?
It has got to be the shoots. I am quite extroverted so I love to work with people, especially with the members of my department. Even though some of my members are afraid to get out of their comfort zone, I do believe I helped them to get out there and explore different ideas.
3. What work from your department would you wish could have gotten more love in 2023?
The ‘Behind The Scenes Of Echo Film Fest’ video, because that was one of my first projects worked on as a member before becoming the Head of Department.
‘Behind The Scenes Of Echo Film Fest’ video
4. What do you wish for Echo and the Video Production department in 2024?
I wish that we develop more leadership, and also have a successful flagship event this year!!! And for my department, I hope we upload more amazing content throughout the year.
Executive Committee
President: Poorani
1. What is your most memorable moment from Echo Media this year?
It’s hard to pinpoint an exact moment as there were many moments where I enjoyed myself with the Echo members. However, the first thing that popped up in my mind would be the moments we shared with the now ex-members of Echo Media especially during core meetings, the Bi-Annual General Meeting and the installation ceremony!
Echo’s Bi-Annual General Meeting
Last year’s installation ceremony is something I hold close to my heart, as we officially said goodbye and parted with our previous members. It was wonderful working with them and I hope we could carry on making them proud with what we do!
Echo’s 2023 Installation Ceremony
2. What is your favourite event from Echo in 2023?
It goes without saying that my most favourite event from this year would be our annual flagship event, Echo Film Fest. It was held during early July and was definitely the biggest event Echo Media has ever organised.
To me it wasn’t the event itself, but the process of planning the whole event alongside our members was what made it special. It wasn’t easy and we faced many obstacles throughout the organising period, but we pulled through and had a spectacular event!
As an honourable mention, last year’s physical hangout; “Echoes Of The Night: Treasure Trails” was equally as memorable as we had the opportunity to meet and learn about our newer members.
Echoes In The Night: Treasure Trails
3. What do you look forward to the most for Echo in 2024?
Personally, I believe that the members are the heart and soul of Echo Media. I look forward to what pieces of themselves, whether they are old or new,as well as future members could bring to Echo for 2024. 2023 was a wonderful year for us and I hope 2024 will be an even better one for each of our members. We will be planning more exciting events this year as well, so I hope everyone can look forward to it!
Vice President: Alisya
1. What is your most memorable moment from Echo Media this year?
The Creative Writing Workshop was such a fun, creatively-stimulating experience! It was a chill, smaller-scale event, with just the Creative Writing members and I, in a library pod, but it was very memorable for me! I loved all the writing games we did and all the crazy creative stories we cooked up. I hope we can hold it again, on a bigger scale and for a longer period, because it was genuinely such a lovely time!
2. What is your favourite event from Echo in 2023?
I’m sure this is a common answer, but Echo Film Fest, for sure! It was my first time being involved in such a big event, behind the scenes. It was fun brainstorming new ideas for our marketing short form videos (and proceeding to badly act in most of them haha). Loved watching all the wonderful student films that were submitted too! It was so thrilling and satisfying seeing all of our efforts bear fruit the day of the event!
One of the marketing Instagram reels from Echo Film Fest (Echo Film Fest But Make It Wes Anderson).
3. What do you look forward to the most for Echo in 2024?
I look forward to holding more events and workshops in 2024! Anything from departmental workshops, to hangouts, to our next flagship event! I hope we can create more events that encourage students’ creative spirits and imaginations, whether it be through film, writing, or art.
Organisational Officer: Sara
1. What is your most memorable moment from Echo Media this year?
It’s tough to pick just one moment, but I think for me it would definitely be being chosen to be part of the committee of Echo Media! At the start, I was nervous because it felt like a really big weight on my shoulders; I definitely had some big shoes to fill from the previous term’s team. However, it’s become one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. Albeit challenging, constantly facing one obstacle after another, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without an amazing team and amazing members behind us!
2. What is your favourite event from Echo in 2023?
Definitely Echo Film Fest! To be able to work behind-the-scenes and see the ins and outs of this event from scratch was an incredible opportunity. Seeing it present itself into a successful event made it all the more special! This is one of the reasons why I am really excited that this event is coming back in 2024 with Echo Film Fest: The Sequel! (Stay Tuned!) I really hope even more people are able to join us next year for another memorable event
3. What do you look forward to the most for Echo in 2024?
I would definitely love to see Echo Media grow not just as a student publication organisation, but also to continuously put out content that we are proud of and inspired by. I hope we can continue to give a voice not just to our members but to students outside of Echo! All I can say is I’m really excited about what Echo has in store for 2024 and you should be too!
Assistant Organisational Officer: Chien Yi
1. What is your most memorable moment from Echo Media this year?
The most memorable moment for me was Echo Media’s 2023 Installation Ceremony as it marked the end of my term as the Assistant Head Of Department of PR and Design, and the beginning of my second term in Echo Media as the Assistant Organisational Officer!
Stepping down as the AHOD of PR and Design was a bittersweet moment; I had learnt a lot from the other dedicated core members of the 2022/23 term and had gotten to know amazing people who would be leaving the next term. However, I was excited at the prospect of working with the new and passionate core team who were eager to bring Echo to achieve greater heights while staying true to the foundations built by the previously dedicated Echo core teams and members.
Echo’s 2023 Incoming and Outgoing Core Team.
2. What is your favourite event from Echo in 2023?
Without a doubt, it would be the Echo Film Fest. It still amazes me how the Echo Film Fest committee, consisting of both Echo members and external members from Sunway University and Sunway College, was able to take an idea and turn it into a reality in a matter of a few months.
Echo Film Fest was built on teamwork, effort, passion, and ideas not only from the Echo Film Fest committee but also the participants of our competition. Having the opportunity to be a part of the team and witness the event come alive was what made it my favourite event of 2023.
3. What do you look forward to the most for Echo in 2024?
I look forward to seeing Echo continue to provide students from Sunway University and Sunway College with a platform to showcase their creativity through writing, designing, and video production.
I also hope that in 2024, Echo can be the voice that echoes not only throughout Sunway campus but also among other students, to promote unity in creativity and diversity.
From cherished moments to celebrating favourite works, each reflection has painted a picture of a year filled with creativity and passion. As we bid farewell to 2023 with a bittersweet sentiment, there’s an undeniable sense of excitement lingering in the air at the beginning of a new chapter.
As the saying goes, ‘all good things must come to an end, but at every end is a new beginning,’ and one thing remains – we’ll always Be the Voice that Echoes!
Written By: Trezshur & Chloe
Edited By: Tarini