Showing: 91 - 100 of 111 RESULTS

How to Focus in a Blurry World

In an era where distractions are as common as the next traffic stop, it is of no surprise that society and hence ourselves, are losing our grip on the issues that matter most. If an armed conflict happens somewhere in the Middle East, the authorities will react immediately. However, if there is a hungry child on the streets of Niger begging for food – he can wait. Simply put, we have an innate bias for one thing over another, even if it is harder and the outcome is less desirable.

A Letter To The Hidden Ones

Dear you,

We live in a world filled with inventions in this 21st century. An era of modernisation, an era of a new society, a new well-being, a new character built in every single living being residing on this planet. It is an era of new ideas, which started small from new thoughts. Thoughts to create new inventions to support and aid this new era of globalisation. ‘New’: a word that speaks out as different; not just a replacement of something that was lost or broken or thrown away.

What Growing a Tomato Plant Taught Me About Life

Earlier this January, the fact that I was going to turn 20 this year hit me like a ton of bricks. In my eyes, I was a child trying on adult-sized pants, and I was vastly unprepared to face the real world. So like any teenager facing a quarter-life crisis, I rushed to do anything that promised to help me make sense of life.

As chance would have it, I was scrolling through Facebook one midnight when I came across Free Tree Society’s announcement that they would be giving away, well–free trees!

Mindfulness: 4 Simple Exercises To Reduce Stress

As a university student, you find yourself constantly performing a balancing act – from assignments to extracurricular activities to revising for your exams. You wear a smile on your face, but deep down you know that you are tired and stressed out. Little things can trigger a volcano eruption from the inside, effortlessly. You wake up in the morning, study, sleep; and the process repeats itself automatically as if you were programmed to do so forevermore.

We are so often caught up in this hustle and bustle of life. How often do we stop and pay our full attention to the things around us? When was the last time we tuned in to our bodies, our minds, and our emotions?