Gwen stood in front of the bathroom mirror, observing the reflection staring back at her. She knew her condition hadn’t been well but was not …
Not Quite The Same

Be the Voice that Echoes
Gwen stood in front of the bathroom mirror, observing the reflection staring back at her. She knew her condition hadn’t been well but was not …
The following short story contains vivid descriptions of violence, gore, and unethical actions taken in the name of science. Its intensity and subject matter may …
An Introduction There is often the illusion that the rigidity of science is adamant in disproving the more eerie and whimsical nature of the supernatural. …
1. Prelude The ducks on Orion’s pond learnt to wear feathers aplomb that were stained black and white, their emerald heads bobbing high against the …
The ocean has always loved fiercely, violently, and without reserve. This was the truth Orell Aldwin first learnt, long before his hands folded with age …
When someone’s life was baptised from the start in loss and bruises of lessons hard-learnt, it was difficult to imagine a reality otherwise. He knew …
I can see you following me. Yeah, you. With the slanted cap and the dark flapping coat and the Metallica t-shirt. I’ve known since Ashdown …
When I was young, young enough for the Internet to have solidified itself into something worth taking up space in our lives and before its …
There is an old farmhouse that exists solely on the burnt photograph edges of childhood memory. The sort where it tastes almost like a dream …
The art of a storyteller has always been performance. The curtains draw, the stage rises – a floating sea of burnished wood and plank above …