If you have no idea what this anime is about, we have 2 questions for you: 1. Are you serious? and 2. No, really, are you SERIOUS?! This anime has been a tremendous success ever since its debut release in 2014 and even before that, the manga in which the anime takes its main storyline from has sold over 34 million copies worldwide, easily making it one of the most popular anime ever since Attack on Titan.
Truth be told though; this anime is not everyone’s cup of tea. It touches on some heavy topics like identity crisis, and is pretty violent; because you know, ghouls eat humans? So, if you can’t stand blood, gore, psychological horror I advise you don’t watch this. However, to those who love any form of horror and are not squeamish, you’re in for a treat!
This review will be a non-spoiler review as we wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the shocking and OMG moments that adds to the story’s intrigue.