Install The New Generation – Student Council Installation

by: Chloe Kong

As the saying goes, “Out with the old and in with the new”, the day has finally come for the new generation of brave knights to step up to the round table. The term of the Sunway University Student Council (Term 2014/2015) may come to an end but that is not the end of that amazing student leadership body.

On the 20th of April 2015, the installation ceremony of the new Student Council was held to welcome and to grace the new team of 2015. Smartly dressed in formal attire, everyone was there to give their support, congratulations and wishes to the new team for the best of luck in their upcoming year of service. The contribution of the predecessors was also acknowledged and their service throughout 2014 was appreciated and greatly admired.

Without further ado, let us hear from different perspectives of a few individuals that have gone through the entire process.

Chow Shenn Kuan – Treasurer of the Sunway University Student Council (Term 2015/2016)


Photo Credits to Yannik Fernando
Facebook: Yannik Fernando Photography

Greetings, fellow Sunway students! To start off, I am Chow Shenn Kuan and I will be running for the Treasurer post in the upcoming term in the Student Council. Hailing from a rainy, miniscule town up north in Malaysia called Taiping, Perak and being a rojak of Siamese and Chinese; I stepped foot onto the grounds of Sunway campus for the very first time last year in 2014. I graduated from Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) and currently, I am taking the Sunway-Lancaster programme BSc (Hons) Business Studies.

The experience of the whole Student-Council-Election was really overwhelming for me. The election process and campaigning is what I would deem as something I have not been through before so truthfully, I was a little lost.

With the knowledge of having no competitor, I prepared myself to be ready for the role as a Treasurer. However in my perspective and rationality, I will not skew my role in the Student Council as I am always prepared to broaden my responsibilities as a student leader in the campus.

Personally, I was approached several times before by students in the Student Services Department (SSD) or in the Student Leaders Office (SLO) who would enquire about joining the Student Council. As usual, multiple questions were forwarded. An intriguing question I was forwarded was if I regretted joining the Student Council. In less than a heartbeat, I breathed in and with no slight hesitation, I uttered the word “No.” with a smile.

Plus, a hilarious thing I would like to share was that someone even composed a beautiful poem about my election as the treasurer on the Sunway University Confession Page – this ipso facto made my term of election even more unforgettable!

There were butterflies in my stomach. Trust me, I was filled with anticipation, a little confusion and definitely anxiety. Well, I felt jumpy and nervous about the whole election-campaigning matter as I’ve only decided upon taking up the role in a rather prompt manner. I postulate that I’ll stumble upon many great discoveries in Student Council, just like all of the incredible things I’ve been through in the Student Action Team (STACT).

Ashten Avinash Anthonyand

Ashten Avinash Anthonyand

Photo Credits to Yannik Fernando
Facebook: Yannik Fernando Photography
My name is Ashten Avinash Anthonyand and I ran for the Director of Academic Affairs post. Currently, I’m in my first semester of the second year of my degree programme, pursuing BSc (Hons) in Actuarial Studies.

This is my second time undergoing election. Therefore, I have some experience on campaigning from the previous cycle. One of the hurdles that I have encountered during the election was to get people to know me. In order to do that, I attempted various streams, such as the Internet, posters and even through word-of-mouth.

In both years of running for a position, I had a competitor. The addition of a rival made the election much more challenging. Even so, this is a healthy competition and it has pushed me to work harder.

The whole process was a great experience. Throughout the election, I gave speeches in classes and I also gave information on the voting process. Other than that, working alongside the other candidates had also provided me with extra exposure. Overall, I am happy with my campaign.

Note: Both expressions are written by the individuals that are listed in the articled

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