2015 was also a year in which we repeatedly heard of attacks on various cities and countries; Paris, Palestine and not to mention the ongoing crisis of Syrian refugees. With the arrival of 2016, we can only hope that this year will bring about more of what we could only wish for – world peace.
Coffee & Waffles
Reviewed by: Christopher Liew
Instead of reviewing Malaysian cafes, this time we are reviewing a cafe all the way in Taiwan’s Tamsui. The unique thing about this cafe is its location in the heart of the Old Street of Tamsui. They have only a small space available, but the utilized it the best they can by maximizing the usage of the area. The top floor was used as the dining area while the bottom floor was used to prepare meals and brew drinks.
Of Stress and Suicides – What You Have to Say
The ‘Suicide’ issue should never be taken lightly. One should be attentive to someone else’s signs of distress, and warning signs of being suicidal as quoted from Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE) are such as…
Welcome, 2K16
Having survived the hectic year of 2015, we now welcome 2016 with crossed fingers and hope that this year will be kinder towards us all. As we usually do during the beginning of a new year, we had our writers list down a few of their new year resolutions.