Sunway SOLIDD: Real, Deep, Truth

Written by: Gan Pei Zoe

Edited by: Supriya

Disclaimer: All opinions by interviewees do not reflect Sunway Echo Media’s stance in any form. This is purely raw insight into a Christian student ministry. 

Thinking deeply together

‘Real, Deep, Truth’ is what the members of Sunway SOLIDD (Serving our Lord in Dutiful Delight) hold on to as they meet up weekly to know more about God and life. Their values can be further elaborated as ‘Real Relationships, Deep Thinking, Truth First’. By putting truth first, they build real relationships and think deeply about the meaning of life together.

Most of Sunway SOLIDD’s members are students from Sunway University/College and The One Academy. Since they are a Christian student ministry that meets outside of Sunway University/College, they welcome students from all campuses who are interested in thinking deeply about God and life through the Bible.


Weekly meet-ups for SOLIDD will consist of bible studies on a certain book of the Bible or talks on interesting topics that students can relate to. Aligned with the desire for their members to have deep relationships, SOLIDD has organised a series of talks on relationships that included topics such as ‘What is the Point of Marriage?’, ‘Is It Bad to be Single’ and ‘What is the Point of Sex and Intimacy?’. The talks gave the members insight into what relationships were meant for. Here’s a little snippet of what one of the members took away from the talks: 

Ashley Tang(bottom right in the picture above), a 3rd-year degree student studying BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management has been attending SOLIDD regularly since 2016.

Here’s what she reflected on after the relationship series – “When it came to relationships I was very self-centered. My own personal space and time was not something that I was willing to give up because relationships were too troublesome. But after seeing that God saved us all as a united people under him I’m actually able to care for people genuinely because the truth is marriage and relationships are not about myself but ultimately to reflect God’s image by loving each other the way God loves us.”


SOLIDD’s bible studies and talks are led by Pastor Daniel Lu who has dedicated his life to teaching people about God through the Bible. He has a degree in theology from Trinity Theological Seminary in Perth, Australia. Daniel hopes that the members of SOLIDD will grow into leaders who are able to think for themselves and therefore teach others the truths of the Bible as well.

Wacky emcees during SOLIDD’s boardgames night.
‘Friendly competitions’
Expressing love towards each other through cute cookies.

When it comes to having fun, SOLIDD has organised many outings such as board games night, girls baking outing, and sports competitions as an opportunity for their members to bond with one another and to create good memories. Many people have got to know about SOLIDD through these exciting events as students with different religions and races join in on the fun!


Despite the Movement Control Order (MCO), SOLIDD continues to stay true to their identity of having real relationships, by encouraging one another through reading the Bible on online video platforms such as Zoom and FaceTime.

Thinking deeply about the meaning of life.


Furthermore, bible studies are what keeps these relationships real and honest. Bible study is a time where a group of around 3-4 people sit around a table to think deeply about what God has said in the Bible. Last year, Sunway SOLIDD did a series of studies on the book of Ecclesiastes which left members reflecting deeply together about where their hope lies in this life.


After experiencing a series of bible studies on the book of Ecclesiastes, Bryan Lee (most right in the picture above) reflected that ‘While going through the book of Ecclesiastes I realised that I’ve been pursuing my life without meaning because I was consumed and driven by my anime addictions. Now, I’ve realized that the real and true meaning of life is in God and to live our life in service for Him. I’m really grateful to SOLIDD for helping me grasp this truth along.’


If you are interested in finding out more about this ‘Real, Deep, Truth’, head over to Sunway SOLIDD’s Instagram Page to check them out!

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