Sunway Analytics Society (SAS) held a virtual bonding session for their members titled ‘Game Slam Night’ on 5 February, 8.00 pm-9:30 pm on Microsoft Teams. A video introducing Sunway Analytics Society which contained short clips of previous workshops and events was played at the start of the event, followed by a short speech by the Sunway Analytics Society president, Ting Wei Jian.
The video:
Founded in 2011, Sunway Analytics Society aims to create interest in the area of analytics. They strive to achieve their aim by helping students gain more insights on what and how data analytics works in different industries/fields by inviting speakers from various industries to have talks and workshops for students. Besides enhancing the member’s skills and techniques of analytics, Sunway Analytics Society can also be used as a platform for students to connect to industries/companies as speakers who are invited might provide some job opportunities. Other activities such as company visits are also being organised for students to get a sneak peek of how the working world will look like.
Letter Hunt
As the name of the event suggests, the event is aimed to help members bond virtually over a few rounds of exciting games. First off, the members were separated into different breakout rooms to play a round of ice breakers which was letter hunt. In order to win the game, the group has to hunt for as many items as they can so that the first letter of each of the items can make up the 26 letters in the alphabet. The key to success for this game is to have a wide range of vocabulary and have lots of items in one’s house. After a round of introduction, members began scrambling around in their rooms/houses looking for items and hoping to be the first to complete the 26 letters. After an intense time of ‘hunting’, a winner was chosen and congratulated by the other members.
Objects such as aloe vera gel and ink got the participants bursting into laughter as they did not expect such randomness.
Soon after, each group started playing is an online pictionary game where each player takes their turn to draw a given word and the other players have to guess the word to gain points. Players must be extremely fast and maintain concentration so that they can guess correctly and quickly.
‘Truth or Dare’ was the third and final game played. Using an online question generator, members had to answer a wide range of questions. One of the challenging dares was to avoid spilling a cup of water which was placed on one’s head while jumping. The ‘truth’ questions also included deep questions such as ‘Are you afraid of dying?’, helping members form a deeper bond amongst one another.
As the event reached its end, all the groups gathered back to the main room and took a group photo together. The committees thanked the members for joining the event and the fun-filled event finally came to a satisfying end.
Interested in joining Sunway Analytics Society? Check them out here:
Sunway Analytics Society Facebook
Sunway Analytics Society Instagram
Written by: Pei Zoe
Edited by: Wu Wen Qi