Showing: 921 - 930 of 948 RESULTS

Sore Throat Remedies

It’s that time of the year when many of us fall sick, and one of the most common sicknesses is of course, sore throat. But then again, sore throat happens very often, and some might find it a waste of money to visit the clinic for such a small matter. Even so, you’d still want to get better as soon as possible, right?

“Thank You”

“Thank you”. Two simple words that can make someone feel appreciated and make someone’s day. Often we don’t realise the power of these words and how much they matter. Saying those words cost nothing, and yet what I’ve realised is that we’re stingy with them.

"Thank You"

“Thank you”. Two simple words that can make someone feel appreciated and make someone’s day. Often we don’t realise the power of these words and how much they matter. Saying those words cost nothing, and yet what I’ve realised is that we’re stingy with them.