Showing: 261 - 270 of 349 RESULTS

Love in Literature: 5 unconventional romances in books

“Your resistance to my existence is futile.”

In 384 pages, S. K. Ali brought together the yearning of my oh-so representation-hungry heart; a love story of two expat kids coincidentally meeting at the airport. The cover should tell you that much, but what it does hide under the cover is a beautifully crafted narrative written through the diary entries of Adam and Zayneb (‘A to Z’) as they record the marvels and oddities that dot their chaotically, vibrant lives as migrants, siblings and activists. Adam; recording more marvels, Zayneb; recording more oddities, what happens when the two meet…? A love story of three parts: 1. Adam, 2. Zayneb and 3. Adam & Zayneb together.

This is what love is

When people ask what love means to me, this is what comes to my mind: 

Love is, waking up from a nightmare with your significant other beside you and all it takes is the steady sound of their breathing to calm you down. It’s the comforting feeling of going back home after a long and stressful day at work because you know that there’s someone waiting for your return. It’s staying up till the sun rises with your partner and making sure they get through their assignments. Love is choosing to stay, even when the road gets rough. 

Love Languages Crash Course

For those unacquainted with the term, a “love language” is an expression of affection. The idea was founded by marriage counsellor Gary Chapman, who wrote a book – The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts. In his book, Chapman categorized the ways people express and accept love and affection into 5 different categories: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. 


You might be thinking something along the lines of I’m just in college! I don’t even have a boyfriend/girlfriend! How would this even be useful for me? 

Monthly Musings: Season of Love

Prompt: If you could send a message to a particular person whom you love/loved, what would you say?

He was humble and kind. He cooked for me. He played with me. He raised me.

I love you and I still do. In fact, I really miss you. A lot; more than you can imagine.

If only you can see me now. I hope you’re proud of how far I’ve gotten. Please continue to watch over me.

For 11 years, you’ve held a special place in my heart — you still do to this day — which nobody else can replace.

– Joey Yap

Parasite: Poverty & Privilege

Oscar Best Picture Nominee, Parasite, directed by Bong Joon-Ho is an outstanding Korean film that delves into the nuances of the class divide with wit and level-headedness. The story focuses on two families, one filthy rich, one (literally) filthy poor, and how the relationship between these two is akin to a parasite. One leeching off the life force of another. 

Who is the parasite though?

College 101: Expectations vs Reality

Ah the new year, how most of us longed for it! To many, the start of the new year (and also a new decade) means new possibilities, resolutions that we won’t follow, and 2020 planners that we’ll forget about in 2 months. However, for many people (particularly those between the ages of 16-22) it also means starting college, and what better way to start off the new year than the dawning realisation that you’re entering a new and unfamiliar world of academia which will leave you in a puddle of your own tears and/or overdue assignments.