As a student, the ability to manage academics, social life, and hobbies can truly be a struggle, especially if the academic stress has already drained …
Sunway Spotlight: A Dive into the Mental Health of Sunway Students
INTRODUCTION University is frequently portrayed as the best time of a person’s life, full of novel adventures, independence, and self-discovery. However, it is also a …
Sunway Scoop: Sunway Business School (SBS)
Echo is back with another instalment of Sunway Scoop! In the third edition of this series, Echo explores the world of business and innovation through …
Yay or Nay: To Queue or Not to Queue
To queue, or not to queue, that is the question. Queuing is an action we are all too familiar with, as we are forced to …
Celebrating Celebration: Madonna’s Greatest Hits
When I found out Sunway Echo Media’s theme this month was “Celebration”, the first thing I thought of was Madonna’s 2009 greatest hits album, also …
Yay or Nay: Hot vs. Cold Showers
Hot or cold? Yes or no? In or out? Up or down? No, this isn’t a play on Katy Perry’s hit pop single, but it …
Real Talk: The Transgender and Non-Binary Experience in Malaysia
Disclaimer: The following article discusses topics of a sensitive nature which may be disturbing and/or controversial to some readers. Hence, reader discretion is advised. The …