University is frequently portrayed as the best time of a person’s life, full of novel adventures, independence, and self-discovery. However, it is also a time of significant stress and pressure– with students juggling coursework, extracurricular activities, internships, and social obligations. For many, this can have an unfavourable effect on their mental health, resulting in feelings of anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. Unfortunately, the prejudice surrounding mental health persists, and many students suffer in silence – believing that seeking help demonstrates weakness. In order to acquire a broader grasp of student’s mental wellness and in conjunction with mental health awareness month, we interviewed a few Sunway College/University students about their personal take on this subject. These responses will undoubtedly be relatable in a variety of contexts, regardless if you are a student yourself or a loved one attempting to support another person.
a) On a scale from 1-10, how well do you think your mental health is at the moment?
I would say it’s a 7.
b) Why would you give that rating?
I’m doing way better than I was at this point last year but I’m still not where I know I can be.
c) Do you prioritise your mental health? If so, how do you take care of your mental health?
Yes, I allocate a slot everyday to cycle. I put my phone away and dedicate this time to be present in the moment. Focusing on the present has led to me having less anxiety about the future.
d) What is a piece of advice you’d like to share with someone battling with mental health issues?
Find what works for you. Some people run and channel their inner David Goggins, while others prefer talking to a friend or writing a journal. Experiment and find what helps you stay sane.
e) What do you think the community should do to help those who are struggling with mental health issues?
We should be more attentive to our friends and frequently check in and ask how they’re doing. It takes us just a second to send that text, but it’ll give the receiver a safe space to share their struggles; because sometimes that’s all we need, someone to listen while we share.
a) On a scale from 1-10, how well do you think your mental health is at the moment?
I’m currently at 7.5.
b) Why did you give that rating?
I would say that my mental health is pretty okay. I recently finished my pre-U studies, so I’m kind of stress free, but the remaining 2.5 would probably be social media as well as peer pressure. I often compare myself to people on social media and my peers as well, but not to the extent where I’m constantly worried about it.
c) Do you prioritise your mental health? If so, how do you take care of your mental health?
Yes, I have a ‘self care’ day once in a while, when I feel that my mental health is unstable. I usually treat myself to my favourite meal or watch my favourite series.
d) What is a piece of advice you’d like to share with someone battling with mental health issues?
I would advise them to not be afraid or feel ashamed to seek help, because you are not alone.
e) What do you think the community should do to help those who are struggling with mental health issues?
The community can make efforts by simply asking their close friends to check up on them, even if they seem fine because you wouldn’t know how they really are when alone. Besides that, the community can use social media as a platform to spread awareness about mental health issues and encourage people who are struggling to seek help.
a) On a scale from 1-10, how well do you think your mental health is at the moment?
I think my mental health is at an 8.
b) Why would you give that rating?
Personally, I think that I am quite stable and feel quite content without much mental breakdowns so, I think I’m doing alright.
c) Do you prioritise your mental health? If so, how do you take care of your mental health?
Yes, I do. Whenever I feel myself becoming sad, I try going for walks so that I can have a peaceful mind or watch videos that can cheer me up like music videos or funny videos.
d) What is a piece of advice you’d like to share with someone battling with mental health issues?
I would say to do something that you love instead of trying to impress others. Always prioritise yourself and put yourself first. Make sure that you are happy!
e) What do you think the community should do to help those who are struggling with mental health issues?
I think that the community should raise more awareness concerning this issue so that others are not afraid to speak out and just be someone who can listen or lend a helping hand whenever they are struggling so that they know they are not alone.
a) On a scale from 1-10, how well do you think your mental health is at the moment?
I am at a 5.
b) Why would you give that rating?
I am having an existential crisis, that the majority of things we do are just a social construct and don’t actually exist. Accounting and economics are fictional and so is English.
c) Do you prioritise your mental health? If so, how do you take care of your mental health?
Kind of. I prioritise sleep so that healthy chemicals will be released into the brain, as recommended by the doctor.
d) What is a piece of advice you’d like to share with someone battling with mental health issues?
The need for money is the root of all your stress, source : trust me bro. Inflation is stress.
e) What do you think the community should do to help those who are struggling with mental health issues?
Increase minimum wage!! Reduce the cost of living!!
a) On a scale from 1-10, how well do you think your mental health is at the moment?
I will give it a 5 after much consideration
b) Why would you give that rating?
I am currently going through a really tough situation that is causing much stress and pressure.
c) What factors influence your current mental health state the most?
A combination of studies and family issues. Mostly family matters because it involves a lot of close relationships.
d) Have you ever talked to someone regarding your mental health?
Not exactly, I may have mentioned it briefly to friends but I seldom provide the details. I am not really emotionally open but I am always here to support others if they need a shoulder to cry on.
e) What is your opinion on the way people handle the subject of mental health?
Society has built a stigma around mental health that prevents people from reaching out and requesting help. It is always seen as a ‘‘trend’’ because their favourite celebrity talked about it or to paint themselves to be a socially aware person. We really need to do a better job at erasing that particular stigma on mental health.
a) On a scale from 1-10, how well do you think your mental health is at the moment?
Maybe a 7 but could go lower because I am getting my exam results soon, just kidding!
b) Why would you give that rating?
Generally I am an optimistic person, I believe everything happens for a reason but I do have my bad days. Also I was just recently gifted a car from my parents which is exciting.
c) What factors influence your current mental health state the most?
Probably studies, since I am a first year degree student, so there are a lot of commitments and academic pressure involved.
d) Have you ever talked to someone regarding your mental health?
No, I usually think it is a little awkward to share my feelings but if I am ever in need of desperate help I just vent to my cat.
e) What is your opinion on the way people handle the subject of mental health?
I see tons of social media posts everyday about campaigns and workshops that provide tips to increase your mental health stability, so in my opinion I think people are definitely starting to realise its importance more than they did in the past.
a) On a scale from 1-10, how well do you think your mental health is at the moment?
I will rate it a solid 6.5.
b) Why would you give that rating?
A lot of issues are weighing down on me at the same time but knowing I have a few supportive friends really pushes me through it.
c) What factors influence your current mental health state the most?
I recently lost someone very dear to me and I have been really anxious about my future. The uncertainty of whether I can make it or am good enough to be a successful individual is terrifying.
d) Have you ever talked to someone regarding your mental health?
My sister is my go-to person when I am in crisis but ever since she moved away I have been dealing with everything on my own which is extremely hard.
e) What is your opinion on the way people handle the subject of mental health?
People need to stop viewing discussions about mental health as a weakness. It is not!!! You never know what people are going through under all the fake smiles. If you have a loved one, I strongly suggest asking them how they are feeling, talk to them and ensure they don’t feel alone.
a) On a scale from 1-10, how well do you think your mental health is at the moment?
Honestly maybe a 4.
b) Why would you give that rating?
My anxiety has been really bad these past few days, I can’t properly function without having a breakdown which is taking a toll on my day to day activities.
c) Which factors influence your current mental health state the most?
Probably my ability to overthink and imagine the worst of every situation. I really can’t help it even though I am fully aware that is the root of my problem.
d) Have you ever talked to someone regarding your mental health?
I actually did consider going to therapy but I don’t think I have the financial stability to afford it. Besides that, I am pretty scared of sharing things with people.
e) What is your opinion on the way people handle the subject of mental health?
People talk about wanting to help and being there but when the time comes, everyone tends to be judgemental or selfish. We need to understand that mental health is a sensitive topic and differs according to every individual. Even if you are unable to help, at least be a little kind to them. A simple gesture of kindness could go a long way.
To conclude, though it may seem that everyone is living a life filled with sunshine and rainbows, it can never be assumed that it is the case for all. What people have going on in their lives may not always be obvious on the surface, as some silently fight their own battles. Thus, we should always check in with the people around us, especially our loved ones, to see how they are doing. Whether it is a phone call or a conversation over a meal, it is healthy to talk and share the thoughts that are on our mind or challenges we are currently facing with another person so that everything is not bottled up within. This very simple act can work wonders for our mental health because it is an outlet to release pent-up stress and we will also realise that we are not alone in this battle. If you ever find yourself feeling down or at a low point in your life, reach out to those whom you trust. It is not a flaw that we have to be ashamed of, because everyone experiences the same thing, and indeed, this is the beautiful imperfection of being human.
Note: If ever in need of emotional support, Sunway’s 24/7 mental health crisis hotline can be contacted at +603-29350042.
Written By: Ruby and Caitlin
Edited By: Poorani