Math, a all-time unfavorable subject for the majority of the students no matter if they are in university, college, high school, or primary school.
Odd 1 Out: 4 Sunway Students vs 1 Non-Sunway Student
Guess which member of the group is the odd one out for a chance to win. Winners receive answers at the end as a prize! …
Echo Guys Try Makeup
Previously, we released a video in which our Echo Guys tried to guess female products. This time, we bring you an entertaining video featuring three …
Your Tarot Reading for March
Tarot is a mirror that reflects the soul. The cards represent our spiritual connection to the Universe, both tangible and intangible. With a deck of …
Stranger Describe Their Crush 2.0
In honor of Valentine’s Day two years ago, we released a video titled “Strangers Describe Their Crush,” which received far more clicks than we expected. …
Echo’s August Video 2021
Laughter is something that brings us all closer together! It’s an unbreakable chain that we can’t escape from! With the internet exploding from try not …