Math, a all-time unfavorable subject for the majority of the students no matter if they are in university, college, high school, or primary school.
With that in mind, parents tend to send their kids to Kumon tuition center to tackle the issue where their kid is having a problem with math and in need of some training to use the brain quickly. Kumon has shaped many students’ minds and helped plenty of people in becoming better at maths.
Speaking about Kumon, Echo brings you a special video that will take you back in time to your Kumon years! 5 Sunway’s college and university students will be answering some math quizzes together in a very fun way! Math has never been more joyful than this! Can they make it out of this Kumon experience? Will they get all of the answers right?
Head over to our YouTube Channel “Sunway Echo Media” to find out more about this video! Reminisce your past and be entertained by us!
Written by: Tinie