Sunway University is what it is today due to the many schools of specialisation, which are undoubtedly, the pillars of Sunway University. With the aim to dive deeper and introduce our readers to the wide range of schools in Sunway, Echo is proud to present to you Sunway Scoop!
For the first edition of this series, we introduce the most vibrant school of Sunway, the School of Arts! Consisting of three central departments, the School of Arts has produced and is still producing many successful graphic designers, film directors, and radio DJs over a number of years.
To gain more insight into how the School of Arts represents Sunway and has influenced numerous students worldwide, Echo has sat down and interviewed a few of the student body and lecturers from the School of Arts. Echo is also pleased to share a few of the many accomplishments from the School of Arts members. Learn more by taking a look below!
Department of Arts, Design and Media
Located within Sunway University, the Department of Art, Design and Media combines visual arts with Graphic Design, Interior Design, Design Communication and Interior Architecture. This comprehensive program aims to provide a broad and comprehensive education in art and design, with an emphasis on field specialisation towards the end of the program. A substantial portion of the curriculum is devoted to producing highly talented students in many aspects of art and design, such as industry-relevant courses and recent modern theory and technology, while also encouraging creative and critical thinking in its students.
Former Head of Department – Professor Kenneth
Tell us about yourself
I’ve been in Sunway for 5 and a half years. I first started as a research department member, tasked with the Master’s program. Then, I was appointed as the HOD up until the 1st of April. I teach media theory, strategic concept and planning, branding and narrative. I was a media artist and have a strong background in philosophy around media. So, I mainly teach theory classes. I was in Singapore for 10 years and have been teaching for 20 years now.
What do you think the Department of Arts, Design and Media can contribute to the School of Arts?
It has a variety of things and is very multidisciplinary. The ability to work with each other become conduits for the transmissions of information, which crosses over all sorts of disciplines, as such this enables them to work well with other departments.
Any interesting stories behind the Department of Arts, Design and Media?
I have a student who is a producer for a K-pop youtube channel. So, K-pop has become a recurring theme in classes. As a programme, we tend to be much less formal in terms of interactions and have more fun compared to the others.
What is your impression of the students? What do you usually see them doing?
They are all hardworking, smart and very diverse. The quality of work is very high and getting close to high-profile art schools. They learn to experiment and that trying and failing process leads to learning in a new direction. Because there’s open critique, it helps the students be more adaptable and flexible to make changes.
What makes the department unique?
We are constantly moving forward to ensure that specific technical values and core values are skills relevant for today and in the future. Another core thing is that they learn problem-solving. A lot of things that people think aren’t related to the arts, actually are! There isn’t a specific formula for everything.
Any departing remarks or advice you have to share before stepping down from your role as Head of Department?
Well, I am talking a lot and learning to listen as well. It’s not about being a boss but being a leader.
What are your hopes for the Department of Arts, Design and Media?
Internationalisation, trying to get more people to give talks, have a School of Arts gallery and send students out on a platform of a larger perspective.
New Head of Department – Ms Maslisa
Tell us about yourself
I’ve been in Sunway for 5 years. I was tasked to launch the BA (Hons) Design Communication Programme in 2017 and headed the programme for 4 and a half years. Now, I’m focusing on my position as the HOD and have stepped down from programme leader. I am a practitioner, started off as a graphic designer and have been in academics for 7 to 8 years. I am working on my PhD and am still practising sustainable design too. I teach anything from design thinking, creative thinking, branding, and typography. I taught diploma but teach degree and masters now.
How did you boost the morale of the students during the pandemic?
By being open to them, whenever they feel low or down. Interactions during classes helped out and I didn’t have any student attendance issues. Some students would stay just to hang out and be heard. I always remind students that they can speak out if they’re unwell or flustered. I am always here to help them.
What are some measures you’re planning to facilitate students’ learning experience, like internet connectivity issues and inability to come to campus?
We are now still transitioning into new normality but I hope students can have more trips and on-site visits. I would love to see more student staff and student representative meetings and try to keep in touch as much as possible. For those who are not able to come to campus, we are still in hybrid mode, so they won’t be left behind.
Any interesting stories behind the Department of Arts, Design and Media?
I love giving them quick tasks to fulfil in class breaks like texting a specific colour. From this I can get interaction with students during class. Another thing is I won’t respond when students call me “teacher” until they get the point. This is because I prefer my relationships with the students to be less formal.
What’s your impression of the students? What do you usually see them doing?
As mentioned by Professor Kenneth, they are very adaptable. Everyone worked through it and did the best they could. Every time something new was introduced, they tried their best to enjoy it.
What are some common stereotypes that people have about the Department of Arts, Design and Media?
Emotional, lazy and procrastinators. It’s true, we are emotional because we absorb things. There’s a lot of empathy involved and we regurgitate the emotions in the form of design. We are not lazy, but the creative process takes time and needs time to digest. Designing a poster is easy, but there’s a lot of tweaking involved in the creative process, 1mm can make a huge difference.
What makes the department unique?
We don’t only prepare students for their immediate future. If you’re creatively inclined, then you will enjoy the programme, especially if you have the passion and motivation for it. You’ll take everything as a challenge to better yourself.
Department of Film and Performing Arts
The Department of Film and Performing Arts teaches you about film, television, music, and theatre via a liberal arts perspective. The curriculum provides a one-of-a-kind blend of design and production, writing and performance, history and philosophy, preparing you for the real world by combining cinema, television, and theatre in one department. Actors, directors, writers, and other artists routinely shift between these many entertainment worlds. Rather than majoring in a single area, students get to experience a broad range of production abilities through seminars and partnerships.
Head of Department-Dr Adrian Lee
Tell us about yourself
I joined Sunway University on the 2nd of March 2020 as a senior lecturer. Two weeks in at Sunway and the MCO was announced. So, I have taught physically in a classroom less than 10 times at Sunway. Most of my subjects are centred around film; I teach film studies and its importance. Rather than just holding a camera and recording something, I believe it’s crucial to understand the theories behind film.
I also teach visual culture, where students have to Malaysianize a foreign film in their own manner. It’s interesting to see how each of the students has different perspectives on how they view Malaysia. Visual culture is more like a progression from film studies and revisits aspects such as psychoanalysis in terms of film and culture.
How were the lessons carried out during the pandemic?/ How did the dept manage to overcome it?
To be honest, I was quite apprehensive about teaching online. It was a bit challenging at first, but I managed to use real-life examples from the current circumstances we were facing to aid my elaboration on theories relating to the subject. It was an eye-opening experience as I got a peek into my students’ daily lives. I also struggled to teach the practical subjects related to film studies. I couldn’t be there to aid them physically, so to pivot their strategy and direction, I allowed the students to express their creativity when filming at home and learn more interesting ways to find good footage.
The lecturers had to be patient with the challenges faced by the students, and the students themselves were also quite understanding of the situation. Since I moved back to my parents’ house at the beginning of the pandemic, I struggled to get a proper internet connection to conduct my classes. In the end, I had to use a long cable connecting from the living room to my own room to resolve the issue.
What’s your impression of the students? What do you usually see them doing?
Personally, I feel that most of the students in the department are really good at voicing their opinions. They are very enthusiastic about sharing their views, not bothering whether it is controversial or not. Most of them are quite excellent at engaging in discussions and have had constructive debates that have proven useful.
Any interesting stories you might have experienced here?
I love pulling pranks on my students. I like pranking my students by “freezing” on Zoom calls and watching their reactions during online classes. There was also once where I switched off my camera during the break, and I think the students weren’t aware that I was still there. I ended up listening to them gossip about college. I have also encountered some of my students that include memes of myself at the end of their presentations on the slides. It still fascinates me how creative they are.
It wasn’t only the students; there were also funny instances with the lecturers. Once we were allowed to conduct classes physically, I went back to campus. I was considerably new, so not many had seen me face to face. When I went to the office the first time, a lecturer greeted me enthusiastically until I turned around and realised they had no idea who I was.
That wasn’t the only case of mistaken identity. Once, I peeked into the filming room where a couple of the students were filming. Not realising that I was actually the HOD, one of the students who assumed that I was a final year student, immediately insisted that they had booked the room first, afraid that I was going to use it. I have to admit those moments were quite entertaining.
What are some common stereotypes that people have about the Film and Performing Arts?
I’m not sure what other people assume about us, but generally, I find the students here to be critical in their thinking and discussion. They are outspoken and make excellent leaders.
Film studies are naturally more performance and practically oriented rather than theoretical. There is nothing more practical than theories to figure out why you use a particular camera angle or video colouring. You don’t do something just because it’s fancy, and it’s important to incorporate theories in their films to make “intelligent” movies rather than flashy films to ensure an underlying message.
What makes the department unique?
I believe that each department in the School of Arts has different personalities. Every single one of the students has unique personalities and characteristics. Each of them have different ways of thinking. This department produces critical thinkers, not practitioners. I like to emphasise my students to produce movies that make the viewers think. Take the Korean movie Parasite for instance; it talks about how divided society is. I encourage my students to incorporate these in their films and see things with critical sense. Basically, none of the students are homogeneous and are uniquely different.
Are there any differences in how Film and Performing Arts students view films vs those who are not?
Film students are taught to think critically about films. By discussing films, we get different perspectives on how people view movies. Each individual has a different opinion and view. We get to know the different messages that were conveyed to each person through a film.
What are your proudest moments as HOD?
When I see the students succeed in their projects. When I get a message from the students saying that they won competitions at international levels, or when a colleague says that the students’ films got selected for a price or an award. I get proud when there are people from the film industry complimenting former students from the department. I feel reassured that they’re on the right path and glad that they have accomplished well in their career or projects.
Are there any particular achievements of the students and lecturers recently?
We were recently asked to compose a song for a school—something like the school’s own anthem. One of our lecturers has also made a feature film.
What do you think the Department of Films and Performing Arts can contribute to the School of Arts?
One of my first visions as the HOD is to collaborate between the departments. In a film, it’s not only camerawork, a lot of audio and dialogue, story is involved too. One of our first collaborative projects, would be a documentary about one of the lecturers building the first harpsichord in Malaysia. We roped in the music students and a lecturer who is a sound engineer to help make this documentary. I also hope that the Films and Performing Arts could do a short film. We’re also looking into collaborations between different programmes to help other lecturers get a foothold in research.
What are your hopes for the Department of Films and Performing Arts?
I hope to be able to unite all the programmes under the Films and Performing Arts through upcoming projects and collaborations. I also hope that the lecturers who are multi-talented and with expertise will also contribute to these future projects.
Department of Communications
Students in the Department of Communication, analyse how methods and technology impact who we really are, how we characterise ourselves, and what sorts of cultures we inhabit. The Department of Communication works hard to welcome diversity in all of its varieties as they aspire to cultivate and celebrate the richness of a linked community where everyone may speak, listen, and inspire new angles of inquiry, new modes of analysis, and innovative approaches. It aims to provide a supportive learning environment that is friendly to all and where everyone can thrive.
Head of Department – Dr. Padma Priya Pillai
Tell us a bit about yourself
I am currently in my 11th year working with Sunway University. Prior to this, I worked with another university for 7 years in the field of education as well. Before venturing into education, I also garnered experience in journalism, scriptwriting for a production, mass communications and public relations. Overall, I have had close to 23 years of working experience. I am also an alumni of Universiti Pertanian Malaysia with a PhD in Human Communications. Before working for Sunway University’s School of Arts, I was actually a Marketing lecturer for 4 years in the School of Business. After joining Sunway’s School of Arts in 2016, I became a programme leader in 2017. There have been lots of ups and downs in my journey so far but it’s been a beautiful experience because I was never alone. In any leadership role, one must be able to communicate well to ensure everything runs smoothly. I have taught almost all communication subjects in my time with the School of Arts but currently, due to my recent role of Head of Department, I mainly focus on providing support and guidance for students’ Final Year Projects alongside administrative work as well.
In light of the pandemic casting a cloud over the past two years, how did the department cope and overcome challenges posed by the situation?
It definitely was not an easy transition as we were not prepared to go online. A few months before the pandemic hit, there was a talk about conducting hybrid learning – combining the learning experience both online and physically. Retrospectively, those plans were rather timely but most lecturers were still sceptical about the execution as they had not actually practised such lessons though they were equipped with the knowledge to do so. Due to this initial proposal, we knew what to expect and managed to pull through since being thrusted straight into the pandemic in March 2020. Lessons were initially conducted on the free version of Zoom, meaning they usually lasted around 40 minutes before lecturers had to send out a new link for students to rejoin. This enabled them to give students breaks every 40 minutes which was beneficial seeing that the pandemic definitely took a toll on them as well. This encourages very independent learning on the students’ side and lecturers have to trust that students are able to present work with integrity. We found ways to ensure that students could not cheat on assignments and take-home tests by banning content from certain websites. Overall, we did cope well despite typical challenges in the first few weeks of transitioning. Activities like runs and music festivals were some events that were managed to be conducted smoothly online as well.
How were you able to boost the morale of the students during the pandemic?
At the end of the day, students are mainly motivated by grades. Get the work done, and the grades are given. We are transparent about awarding marks with a set rubric that students are made aware of since week 1 of the semester. Since motivation was low for both students and lecturers at first, we decided to dedicate lecturers to We-Care for students who are feeling down. When teaching online, working hours extend beyond 9 to 5 because of a lot of emails and consultations usually come in later in the day seeing as most students’ personal schedule stretches into the wee hours of the morning sometimes. I had to find ways to cope with the reality of the pandemic as well as I can’t be cooped up in a house for too long myself. Besides teaching, I dedicate an hour for family aerobic time and use weekends to spend time with family, baking, gardening, and classical dancing. I also make it a point to check up on how friends are doing to ensure that they are doing alright. The top priority was always ensuring that no one contracted Covid.
Are there any interesting stories behind the Department of Communication?
In August 2021, during one of my classes, one of my two parrots flew over through an open door to sit on my head. Naturally, I freaked out as I don’t like parrots, rather my husband and children do.
What’s your impression of the students?
To me, I believe that students are the backbone of the entire programme and they eventually grow to become researchers. Our job in the Department of Communications is to nurture students to become better leaders and researchers in the future, not just for the department’s sake. They are the generation that will take over from us eventually. Students in communications are nurtured to be vocal, to communicate their ideas and to stand up for their rights as individuals.
What are some common stereotypes that people have about the Department of Communications?
People often have the impression that you don’t need to take a degree for communications and that there’s not much to do with the degree itself. This could not be further from the truth as there are different ways in ensuring that your message comes across in the right way. In every industry, people want someone who can communicate well. We need to break the stereotype and highlight that communications is a degree that is very applicable in all areas and it is a need in most industries.
What makes this department unique?
As communications majors, we are very loud people. We want the entire place to be lively, and we want our department to make a strong impression across all boards. Comparatively, our outlook on certain topics and aspects are quite different from that of the other departments. We are also the largest department in the School of Arts.
Notable achievements of the students and lecturers recently?
We recently signed a memorandum with Lakehead University in Ontario Canada. Two of our lecturers, myself included, were also awarded the Best Presenter award at the 2019 Barcelona Conference.
What do you think the Dept of Comm can contribute to the School of Arts?
Alongside the other departments, I hope that we will be able to make the School of Arts known through projects and collaborations. I also hope that we will someday be the number one choice in Malaysia for degrees in communications.
What has been your proudest moment as Head of Department so far?
I have only held this position for a month so not much can be said. However, as programme leader I have had the opportunity of connecting with and providing support for international students. After travelling quite far to study in Malaysia, I have been able to assist them in connecting with the rest of their peers.
Recent Accomplishments
Building a sense of success is built upon achieving various achievements. An individual’s most important accomplishments come together to create a version of success that means something to them. Hence, when mentioning the School of Arts, many achievements by instructors and students spring to mind. We’d like to share with you some of the most recent achievements of the faculty in the School of Arts.
Dr Pauline’s Book Publication and Interview by The Edge Markets
Dr Pauline Pooi Yin Leong, an associate professor in the department of communication, has been teaching and researching at universities for more than 15 years. Her extensive list of accomplishments, which was first outlined in 2004, continues to grow. One of her most recent achievements is the publication of a book titled “Hashtag Campaigns During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia: Escalating from Online to Offline“. It was published in December 2021 together with Amirul Adli Rosli, a research officer at ISEAS. The book covers hashtag campaigns on social media that allow users to express their feelings about various issues and mobilise others to take part in a movement. Aside from that, Dr Pauline was also interviewed by The Edge Market Malaysia on the topic of Treading a thin line: The gaps in social media censorship, last December. She talks about the concept of social media as “public squares” with free access to content, as well as how different platforms affect users in diverse ways, according to their cultural backgrounds and moral values.
Dr Catherine Receives Outstanding Achievement Award
Dr. Catherine Lee is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Communication, with over 19 years of experience in teaching and research in higher education. Several outstanding works have been published by her, ranging from conference proceedings to book chapters, dating back to 2009. In January 2022, Dr Catherine received an award at the iLabs Foundry Appreciation Launch in recognition of her Outstanding Achievements in 2021 university-industry collaborations. She has also been instrumental in the accomplishments of nine communication students who pitched their employer branding ideas to Sunway Malls in February, with Dr. Catherine guiding them.
Two Articles Published by Dr. Norizzati Azudin
Dr. Norizzati Azudin‘s accomplishments in 2021 included two articles published. Having twenty years of experience in teaching, research, administration, and diplomatic relations, Dr Norizzati is a senior lecturer in the Department of Communication. She has accomplished a great deal throughout her career. She recently co-authored an article titled “Social Media Approach to Crisis Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Analysis from the Malaysian Perspective” with some colleagues. The article discusses how the government used social media to communicate during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how this method has proven effective for crisis communication. Also written in partnership with her colleagues, her second article is titled “Evaluating the Impact of Verified Government Accounts on the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Intentions of Saudi Residents during the Covid-19 Pandemic“. The study examined how verified Saudi government accounts across multiple media outlets affected respondents’ knowledge, attitudes, and intentions about COVID-19.
Prof. Chaouche’s Volume Publication on European Drama and Performance Studies
Prof. Sabine Chaouche is the associate dean of research and postgraduate studies at the School of Arts. She’s a versatile scholar with expertise in social and economic history, philosophy, literature, gender, and the arts. Recent publications of hers have appeared in a journal dedicated to the history of performing arts, Classiques Garnier’s European Drama and Performance Studies. Her recent volume publications include “Emotions Hit the Stage” and “Molière and After. Aspects of the Theatrical Enterprise in 17th- and 18th-Century France“.
Students’ Take
We have interviewed eight students from the School of Arts on their thoughts and experiences in the School of Arts and their courses. Let’s hear what they have to say!
Jeremy Loo
My name is Jeremy Loo and I am finishing my first year of my bachelor’s in Digital Film Production at Sunway.
What drew you to join Sunway’s School of Arts and what has your experience been like so far?
I have always wanted to make movies since I was young, so it was a no-brainer for me to study film production. I was recommended to study at Sunway in particular by a production house I interned at for my diploma. I’ve enjoyed my time here so far. There is a good balance between theoretical and practical subjects. A lot of people think filmmaking is easy, but it is actually a very demanding course, both physically and mentally. However, it is a lot of fun working with your friends on creative projects and very fulfilling to see your project come together.
Chloe Liew
I’m Chloe Liew, I have been in School of Arts since March 2020 and I’m currently in my final year of BA (Hons) in Contemporary Music (Audio Technology) or also known as CMAT.
What do you hope to achieve in your time here and how do you think being a part of the School of Arts has changed you?
I hope to make good connections with the time I have left here in Sunway as well as gain all the knowledge I’ll need before entering the workforce. Being a part of the School of Arts has made me put myself forward with the things I do. I used to hide and shy away from my art or projects that I do. The School of Arts has taught me to embrace my skills and put myself out there to showcase what I have to offer.
Elena Raj Boniface
My name is Elena, I’m from January 2021 intake and I’ve been in School of Arts for over a year now. I’m pursuing BA (Hons) in Communication.
What drew you to join Sunway’s School of Arts and what has your experience been like so far?
I was already a student in Sunway previously as I pursued my Foundation studies there, hence I was very much comfortable and familiar with the campus and more importantly, I enjoyed being a student in Sunway because of the people, the environment and the way the courses were structured and delivered and that is what drew me to join Sunway’s School of Arts. My experience in the School of Arts has been nothing short of great so far. I have learned so much over the past year and it has helped me grow as a student. There were challenges but I believe without challenges there is no growth and I’m grateful for the learning points and am very much excited for what is in store for me in the following semesters.
Jothi Sakthi Velu
My name is Jothi and I’m from the August 2020 intake. I’ve been in School of Arts for nearly two years as I’m currently in my second year and will begin my final year in August 2022. I am currently pursuing a BA (Hons) in Communication.
What do you hope to achieve in your time here and how do you think being a part of the School of Arts has changed you?
I intend to make the most out of my time at Sunway University. Given that I only have about four to five semesters remaining, I hope to attend more physical classes and at the same time practice safety measures during my time on campus. I’d also like to meet my classmates and lecturers, whom I’ve only seen virtually while utilising the well-equipped facilities available at Sunway University. Being a student at the School of Arts has pushed me to explore my creativity and interest in the communication field. As the School of Arts involves a wide range of skills, I have stepped outside of my comfort zone to try out every possible field so that I may get the most out of it. Overall, I believe that School of Arts has changed me in a positive way, as it has pushed me to exceed my limits in all I do.
Karen Chang Kai Ling
My name is Karen Chang Kai Ling. I’m from August 2020 intake taking a degree in Design Communication. I’ve been in the School of Arts since August 2017 in which I took a diploma in Graphics and Multimedia.
What drew you to join Sunway’s School of Arts and what has your experience been like so far?
What drew me in so far includes; the facilities, as Sunway has a lot of high tech equipment; the lecturers since they have a lot of great field experience; and the multiple opportunities Sunway has to offer with a lot of partnerships locally and abroad, they’ll give the students a chance to design and that helps with building portfolios. I’m proud to say I am an art student from Sunway. It has been an eye-opening experience. The nights we work for an assignment, the discussion we have with lecturers, hosting an exhibition in Sunway Pyramid. I will not forget that. I joined the School of Arts Representatives (SOAR) too last time, during my diploma years. For my degree, it was a new experience as we have our class online, but I would say the guidance from lecturers is still a lot, they are always there to help us.
Gan Zhi Dong
My name is Gan Zhi Dong, 21 years old. Currently in Year 2 Sem 2 in School of Arts and the course that I am taking is Bachelor in Design Communication, which is also called Graphic Design.
What do you hope to achieve in your time here and how do you think being a part of the School of Arts has changed you?
To begin with, I would like to develop my photography skills. I enjoy capturing landscapes and figures that are beautiful and meaningful to me. I want to travel to discover and capture the beauty of unknown places. I hope that I will be able to produce some amazing pictures that will be part of my portfolio in the future. I also hope to improve my illustration skills in the near future. Lastly, as a student at Sunway University, I would like to improve my communication skills since designers must not only have design skills, but they must also be proficient at communicating as they need to explain and deliver projects accordingly. While in high school, I didn’t have many opportunities to share my point of view or ideas with the lecturers or to speak in public. But being a part of the School of Arts so far helped me become a more confident and active speaker when I give presentations. During high school, I was not confident at all and often felt afraid to speak; in fact, it happened often before I joined the School of Arts. Joining the School of Arts helped me overcome these issues and I am now a confident and proficient speaker.
Zafra Usman Anfas
My name is Zafra, I’m from the August 2021 intake for the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Design Communications program conducted at the School of Arts in Sunway University.
What do you hope to achieve in your time here and how do you think being a part of the School of Arts has changed you?
Having interacted with the staff and students within the School of Arts and my department, in particular, I found that there are various opportunities both internal and external for students like me to be able to build my portfolio and experience design work opportunities as well. The School of Arts was able to have its first International Conference on Material Culture (ICMC)
during my first semester and among the presenters were a few seniors from the School of Arts, which definitely sparked an interest in one day being able to do the same. I find that I’m able to tackle art and design challenges better and have developed a keener eye for creative production and process. With every lecturer approaching design tasks and challenges in their own unique way, I am constantly learning the versatility of being part of the School of Arts. And I definitely won’t be taking any of this for granted.
Sunway, is proud to have the School of Arts as one of the schools of specialisation. By reading thus far, it is clear that this isn’t half of how amazing the School of Arts is. As the first school in the series, Echo hopes that its readers have learnt much about the aforementioned school and has also piqued the interest of those who are still finding their way around. In the future, Echo hopes to bring you more detailed and entertaining parts of the schools. For further information for the programmes offered, check out the official website of the School of Arts!
Exclusive interview with SOA alumni, Mr Graeme Tan:
Written by: Hannah, Poorani, Isabel, Loshene, Yasmeen
Edited by: Maki & Jamie