By: Sim Wan Yong Around April last year, 4 Sunway University students, Caroline Regina Parameswaran, Sim Wan Yong, Chee Chia Ling and Sit Yuan …
One Child, One Helmet, One Life Saved

Be the Voice that Echoes
By: Sim Wan Yong Around April last year, 4 Sunway University students, Caroline Regina Parameswaran, Sim Wan Yong, Chee Chia Ling and Sit Yuan …
“Carry on my wayward son,
There’ll be peace when you’re done,
Lay your weary head to rest,
Don’t you cry no more.”
By: Sim Wan Yong On the 22nd of August 2015, the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation organized a charity recital, collaborating with the Perak Society of Performing …
Parkour, L’art du Deplacement, was known as a French military training involving overcoming obstacles, running, vaulting, swinging, quadrupedal movements and many more, with aims to find the most efficient way to move from point A and point B.
Dr Shailendra Sivalingam, who specializes in otorhinolaryngology or the ears, nose and throat (ENT) region, gave the Sunway students a very enlightening talk about his life as a doctor with questions and answers that geared students up for the future.
Even though it is rarely enforced, Malaysia has laws that provide for whipping and up to a 20-year prison sentence for homosexual acts involving either men or women. Laws and regulations aside, short anonymous interviews were conducted with the LGBT community of Sunway University to understand their side of the story.
Featuring Team Sunway and… Team Sunway.
It is finally here and happening! With the SunGym up and running from the 30th of March and the first FIFA-certified astro turf football field in higher education in Malaysia, it is time to say hello to more sports events and a healthier lifestyle.
Oh. My. God. If you were not one of the students who went to the sold-out Freshies’ Night 2015, you missed out on a night of amazing performances by talented Sunway students. Organised by the Student Council and Student Action Team in collaboration with myBurgerLab and Red Bull (they came from Europe!), the show for the night started with Kelvin Ang’s acoustic guitar performance followed by Edmund Tan’s beatboxing that got the crowd cheering and fan(girl/boy)ing.