“The line between good and evil is permeable and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces.”
Light vs Dark

Be the Voice that Echoes
“The line between good and evil is permeable and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces.”
“Love in reality, is so much more than a mere emotion. Love is action.”
“Fireworks shoot across the dark, night sky. The loud noise of them breathe life into what would usually be a quiet night and the accompanying sound of the bursting crackers chase away the evil spirits and leave space for holiness and prosperity to come in. “
“When I was younger, the world was a fascinating place. Many would think that a young child is unable to comprehend the environment around them. “
Be afraid, be very afraid.
It’s that time of the year again when the monsters are welcome and scares become an enjoyment. It’s Halloween time! Although considered a Western celebration, that doesn’t mean we in the East can get in on all the fun that comes with Halloween! So, to get into the spirit of things, here a few movies you could watch during the season of horrors and scare the wits out of yourself!
Alright, it’s confession time, ladies. Have you ever looked through your closet, scanning through the array of pieces in it, thinking, ‘Gosh! I have nothing to wear!’ Admit it, every girl has gone through this dilemma in her life, more often than not. Fashion is definitely a never ending focus of a girl, even with a wardrobe filled to the brim with the latest clothes and up to date accessories!
It is a fact, no doubt, that music is an intrinsic part of our lives. There is as much music in our lives as there are people in this world. Hence, there is also a diversity of music to which we listen in our everyday lives. However, with such a variety of music existing, there will be disagreements on which genre is the best.
For years and years, scientists have gone through various research and tests to shed light onto an important question that has been plaguing the minds of human beings since days of yore; Does the roller coaster of emotions we experience day to day have an impact on our physical health? Well, the answer to that statement is a big YES!
by Tiffany Hoo It’s that time of the year where we celebrate the women who painstakingly carried us in their wombs for 9 months of …
The novel revolves around Little Bee, a Nigerian refugee, and Sarah O’Rourke, a magazine editor from Surrey, who became inextricably bound to one another following a brief encounter they shared in their past.